Cyclists like black outfits, but they shouldn’t

Take a look at the newest cycling gear for the season, and you’ll find that a lot of it is black. Even when you do have bright, colorful options for shirts, jackets, shorts and pants, you also have black options in many cases — and those are the only ones that a lot of cyclists … Continued

Cyclists must follow traffic laws

When you ask drivers about the animosity that often exists between them and cyclists, one thing they may note is that cyclists break traffic laws “all the time.” There is this perception among drivers — often unfounded — that cyclists do whatever they want and do not care about traffic laws, and drivers use this … Continued

A fat bike could help you in the snow

It’s winter, but you don’t want to stop riding your bike. It’s how you get exercise, how you get to work and how you do everything — shopping, going to the bar, visiting your friends. You know you can bundle up just like you do for winter hiking and you’ll be fine. But will your … Continued

Motorists see cyclists as pedestrians. They’re not. 

One reason for the conflicts between cyclists and motorists is a simple misunderstanding of what cyclists really are. Cyclists, of course, think of themselves as drivers. They get to share the road with other vehicles because they too are using a vehicle. Yes, it’s smaller than a compact car and takes body power instead of … Continued

Mistakes by surgeons happen more often than you might think

People generally have a deep respect for medical professionals. After all, physicians attend almost a decade of higher education to earn their title and the potential ability to legally practice medicine. Surgeons, more so than general practice physicians, tend to command respect by people who cannot imagine operating on another human. While physicians and surgeons … Continued

Bicyclists have rights under Connecticut laws

Bicycling on city streets is necessary for some people, however, it isn’t always a safe prospect. Many drivers assume that they have full rights to the road without the cyclists having any. Those motorists might do things that place the people on bicycles in a dangerous position. The fact is that Connecticut law provides equal … Continued

What can we do to make cycling safer?

Making the roads safe for cyclists is everyone’s job. It’s important to carefully consider the number of serious injuries and fatalities springing from cycling accidents every year. Most of these events could easily be avoided. People do not have to suffer from life-changing injuries or lose a loved one. And yet it continues to happen. … Continued

Why do dogs attack cyclists and chase bikes?

Every day, you hit the roads on your bike. It’s fun and it keeps you fit. You love it. After years of running, you switched to biking to keep your body healthy — and it’s worked. Unfortunately, you still face a lot of hazards. Drivers cut you off. People open car doors into the bike … Continued

Bike lanes aren’t perfect. You still face serious risks.

Let’s start with this: Bike lanes help. They do keep cyclists safe. Don’t write them off. They help to keep bikes that much farther out of traffic, they alert drivers to the fact that they’ll be driving near cyclists and they add some structure to a road system that can often feel chaotic otherwise. That … Continued

Why do American drivers clash with cyclists?

If you’ve ever spent time cycling in Europe, you may have felt shocked by the differences in your interactions on the roads. Many riders report feeling like European drivers are kind and courteous when they ride around bikes, whereas American drivers tend to act frustrated and hostile. This attitude could explain why car vs. bike … Continued