Would AEB brake systems reduce truck accidents?

All vehicle collisions come with the potential for terrible injuries, but most people likely fear a truck collision the most. Is there anything surprising about how Connecticut drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians feel about tractor-trailer collisions? A commercial truck’s massive size could cause tremendous harm to those it hits. So, would it not be helpful if oversized trucks had automatic emergency braking systems installed in them?

Crash avoidance technology assistance

Vehicle manufacturers realize that collision prevention technology could reduce motor vehicle accidents. Cross-traffic alerts, lane change warnings, and automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems now serve as selling points on car dealership websites. Things are different in the commercial trucking world, though. Manufacturers don’t appear to be in a rush to add AEB technology to tractor-trailers.

That’s not to suggest that no trucks on the road lack advanced collision avoidance technology. Comprehensive crash avoidance technology could reduce rear-end collisions, dangerous lane changes, and even unsafe following distance issues. However, regulations have not mandated automatic emergency braking systems in trucks.

Automatic emergency braking and truck accidents

Installing AEB systems brings many potential safety benefits to drivers and pedestrians alike. The system acts on “autopilot” upon detecting an imminent crash. The technology engages to apply the brakes without human assistance, potentially avoiding an accident. Sometimes, an accident may happen, but the results may not be as severe as would be the case if the vehicle hadn’t slowed down.

Once again, federal regulations do not mandate automatic emergency brake systems. In time, the rules may change, leading to better safety on the road.

Truck drivers and others may still find themselves negligent for a collision even if an AEB system decreases the impact. Brakes only do so much when a driver operates a truck recklessly.