Victim-blaming common following bicycle accidents

Whether they are doing it for fun, sport or transportation, it is common to see numerous bicyclists on Connecticut roads daily. As this is the case, you would think motorists would be more cautious in their driving habits and share the road as they should. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and bicycle accidents occur as a result. While, in many cases, motorists cause these collisions, it won’t stop them from trying to escape liability by trying to place the blame on their victims.

Bicycle accidents do occur for several reasons, such as:

  • Motorists driving while distracted
  • Motorists speeding
  • Motorists failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Motorists failing to look

Few people want to accept that something they did resulted in the death or severe injury of a bicyclist. This is why, following an auto-bicycle crash, a motorist might claim that the cyclist was weaving in and out of traffic, not paying attention, failing to follow traffic rules or a number of other things to make him or her look responsible.

Does victim-blaming work?

Unfortunately, yes, it can. If there is any evidence that suggests the victim’s actions contributed to the incident, the motorist may file a comparative, sometimes referred to as contributory, negligence claim. If such a claim is successful, it means the driver may not be responsible for all of the victim’s losses.

Do not lose hope

If you suffered injuries in a bicycle accident, or you lost a loved one in such an event, and the motorist involved is successful in establishing comparative negligence, it does not mean you have no right to compensation for your losses. If you can establish that driver negligence also contributed to the event, you may seek at least partial relief for any damages deemed legally recoverable. How much you may ultimately receive will depend on several factors.

Fight back against victim-blaming

Following bicycle accidents, victims and their loved ones do not have to stand for victim-blaming. With the right assistance, one can ensure protection for the rights of victims and their family members. If you feel victim-blaming is an issue in your case, with a little help, you can fight back and do everything possible to seek maximum compensation for your losses.